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Gunnar Widforss Catalogue Raisonné Project

Archival and Ephemeral Material

Vintage postcard Marina Piccola e Faraglioni; Image:
Documentation  •  Postcard
archive no. 6145
Vintage Postcard Marina Piccola e Faraglioni
Offset lithograph on cardstock
Catalogue Entries
Record last updated October 9, 2020. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Petersen, Alan. "Archival and Ephemeral Material: Vintage Postcard Marina Piccola e Faraglioni, n.d. (archive no. 6145)." In Gunnar Widforss Catalogue Raisonné Project. www.gunnarwidforss.org/archives/entry.php?id=10227 (accessed on May 8, 2024).