In the July 3, 1914 editions of the Stockholm daily newspapers, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Neheter, there appeared a brief article with a photograph of Widforss working on this painting from the New Kungsholm Bridge.
Open-air Painter in New Kungsholm Bridge
Translation -
For the past few days, a young outdoor painter has attracted considerable attention from strolling Stockholmers – especially the boys running team. The young painter has set up his easel in a place where he is easily observed, namely, the middle of the New Kungsholmsbro, unperturbed by the noisy traffic that presses close to the narrow walkway where the artist can be found. Night after night - he paints Riddarholms Port in the evening sunlight - every day interest in his art grows among the public. But soon the painting will be finished and then the bustling commuters from the shops and offices who usually follow the development ofthe artist's work, will seek out some other interesting point in Stockholm’s life.
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